
About the Jewelry:

All designs are designed and made by Me! Meredith Funk! I laser cut, file, paint, and assemble each and every piece! You can rest assured, your new Jewelry will exceed your expectations because when you become a customer, we become friends!

Because there are so many ears and sensitivities out there, you get to choose which earring hook or clips ons that come with just about every design! Nickel – the #1 Metal Allergy – is nowhere in sight! Earrings and Necklaces are made with hypoallergenic findings.

Please Note: Sterling silver is an alloy containing metals that react with chemicals found in air and produce tarnish; high moisture levels, exposure to sunlight and contaminants such as salt water increase this reaction. Take steps to protect your sterling findings by keeping them in airtight packages, use tarnish-resistant products (such as tarnish tabs or strips) that absorb harmful chemicals, and store sterling findings in a cool, dry place. Most tarnish is easily removed by polishing with a mild abrasive or soaking in an anti-tarnish solution.

About Me:

If I could tell my 9 year old, Lisa Frank loving, pig tailed little self that I was going to grow up to be a jewelry designer, I would have totally flipped my sh*t! 😆

I had my son when I was 21 with my new husband. I went straight to work at a casual restaurant and moved up the ranks in the 8 years I worked there. I hated every day of it because it took me away from my growing baby boy and family, so I started getting crafty!

In 2014, my husband was going to a maker-space and would laser cut out little charms for me with his extra acrylic and the rest was history! Once we got our own laser, I dipped my toes in the Etsy fountain and being a strung out restaurant manager was over! Well, it took a few years, but it was worth the wait!

Now I have this online store with great customers, travel to shows year round and have a holy cow of a good time every damn day!

I started this journey in early 2014 and it is nowhere near over. Here’s to a zillion more years and a zillion more cool designs for you people to enjoy!